27 years later
All i can say in this age is I want to be back 15years earlier. The reason because may be I dont feel satisfy when i was 12 years old. I'm not really remember what I had done when I was 12 but one thing that i do remember until now is the great fun of life in that age. Someone says the creative idea will be fresh when you were youn because since you know how to deal with everything in life you will loose any fuckin fresh idea. It might be true or not, depends on the personal life. Recently i really enjoy watching the uncomplete art stuff such drawing, painting espectially children's drawing style. I've tried to draw like that style but I cant do it anymore because i know how to draw in the right way (even we cant judge art but you know what i mean). Life so far is good but i cant see the satisfation in my life by now. But when i imgae my life 15 years earlier, surprisingly i do love it like never before.
Are we live in the unusual world ? What a wired that i cant do like what i used to do.
How can i make it happen ?
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