Dear ABAC students, How are you?
Good day everyone, hope you guys is all right and busy with your school pj right? Nothing much to say from me your teenage teacher but just would like to say thank you for the affort that you have done in your first motion graphic's project. It sort of surprise as same as not surprise from the pj that you had done because some of you surprised me that you really tried hard for this project. So, let talking about the feedback after I sit with the projects that I got from you on Saturday. To me overall is quite nice and just a couple of pieces that sort of outstanding from your fella.
Let put it this way, Anek's pieces is of course outstanding from you guys piece interm of technic and yes I do like the way that he tried to say from his piece but if think about one guy opinion like me! I'd say if Anek focus more on the story or idea this piece is would be more perfect. Anyway, Good job! Anek! Keep in mind that design is about the idea that figure out the identity of the concept and shining in the piece by strong narrative.
By the way, you are on the right track.
Pond and Lin, your pieces are quite strong of using color and real brave to use that sort of graphic in the motion pieces. Personaly, the technic that Pond used in her piece is a little hard to keep it in a good shape; you might need more experience in composition setting to combine the di-cut graphic form with motion graphic medium. On the other hands, Lin's work is real brave to touch the shoulder of Kuntzel+Deygas (A duo who made the "Catch Me If You Can"'s tile sequence) because they are god of real damn motion graphic and you tried to make it happen in this project. Good start for Lin & Pond, well done.
Pro's piece is one of the examples that good afford on the narrative or another word well done prepared the sequence. I remember that his storyboard is the best clear-cut clean when I saw you guy's storyboard. In term of motion piece it might need to focus on the use of time because I think your motion in some point is took a little long but as much as you keep tryin this way it would be great on you.
Eak's piece, firstly I'd say thank you for did it on time. Your piece is needed to be focus more on the right of sound and image mixing. I'm sure it would be good for sure. Keep in mind that basic of good motion graphic is 3s = story+style+sound.
Boat's piece, mmmm because the piece has not finished yet but so far is kind of can see it would be very well if it can be patient. Usually, people will put afford at the beginning of the piece then when it touch 50% the attention will decrease little by little. Finish it Boat.
Bomb's piece, fun and enjoyable.
Finally, I havent watched all of everyone, Aey+, O+, Tom and Bow. It would be nice to have a look in the week coming. By the way, students do not forget to think about the product ok! It will be your new PJ. Be creative.
A. Shy P. Limanon