
something to live for, what is it ? am i working on the public space ? nevermind because even the sun does not know it's a star

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Location: melbourne, victoria, Australia

I'm a designer maybe

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Lost in Translation

I havent been back to this place for a while because i was busy about my works + people + missunderstood + responsibility + dream + what's that for. While I'm being alone in the country calls Japan (they made this name for people the have the same understanding that this land names Japan). Lost in tralation is the best word for me to describe myself in this land and really good to let me have a chance to talk to myself again since my company opened i didnt have much time to think about myself much enough.

This is the 10th day that I have speding my life in here, in Saitama. 1hr from Tokyo, 2hr from Shiba. I went to Tokyo twice, it drove me crazy and feel bored a little bit. The reasons why? I don't think everyone who living in a big country will understand exactly why. Tokyo is covered by very cool t-shirt, tidy stylish jean and great choice of sneaker but is that make me feel a good at first sight? Yes and No is a best answer. I like a lot of thing as much as i dont like (i'm not using word "hate", pls dunt get me wrong).

For me in this age, should I expore many thing in here as much as i have chance and time in Japan (many people want to be in here for some reason). I just think I feel bored about kinda city, trendy, stylish.......kinda life. I'm happy with slowly, confusy,bluey and depressy kinda life rather than bright and shiny.

Or because of I just lack of interesting feeling in everything? I was in California when I'm 18 for one year, was in Australia for 3 years, now in Japan and in BKK all of the rest. I know those are just a little if compare to somebody else but for me it bored bored and fun sometime. It will take a long time to understand because it is true that life has to pass the moment iof truth.

Red dot on the canvas.


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